Is Superman Being “Overpowered” Actually Genius?

Cover of Superman #7 showing Superman descending with bullets bouncing off him, next to the text "World's Greatest Adventure-Strip Character"

Once my sister said to me that Superman is the best character because he’s bulletproof. So many action characters, such as Batman, just seem to miraculously dodge the bullets every time. Either that, or everyone attacking them apparently has a horrible aim. So in a way, Superman is the most “realistic”. Obviously his powers aren’t […]

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Stack Shock Episode Review: Sons of the Fathers

Sean Foley and Robert Hawkins

Sons of the Fathers (Static Shock season 1 epsiode 8), despite a somewhat silly name, is an episode I’m rather fond of. If I think about it, it epitomizes many of the traits I enjoy about the show in general: an honest treatment of heavy real-life social issues (albeit in a somewhat preachy and simplistic […]

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